Wow, it's hard to keep up with this blogging thing and still accomplish everything else I need to in my life. Two kids, coupled with the need to earn a living, are exhausting!
About a month ago we all headed back up to The Inlaw's house outside of Woodstock for some more exploring in the woods. One of our favorite things to do is to climb the trail up to the fire tower at Overlook Mountain. It's about 2.5 miles each way on a wide trail, and the views from the top are awesome.
Happy Family on the trail.
Though FBS was carried much of the way, I wanted to make sure that he had a chance to do some walking on the trail as well.
Two-year old on the trail!
He particularly enjoyed it when I pointed out and picked some wild raspberries for him to snack on. Of course, Mini-Man came along for the hike as well. Interestingly, he was not the only infant on the summit!
Mountain Baby
It was a beautiful day on the mountain, capped by the fact that FBS amazed everyone by climbing all the way to the top of the firetower!
Almost to the top!
The ranger on the summit remarked that FBS made it higher up in the tower than most of the adults who try to climb it. I guess he has not yet learned fear!
The next day we spent more time in the woods, this time on Peekamoose Mountain, where some distant relatives own some land. FBS had a great time exploring the grass.
Then we headed into deeper woods and came across our destination: a woodland stream.
They call this The Bathtub
We found a nice shallow spot for FBS to splash around in, and he did his best to explore everything he could get his hands on.
Cool, a wet stick!
All in all, a successful weekend of getting a city kid out into nature. I'm a very happy dad!
More adventures to come, including a story about talking to sheep!