Friday, November 7, 2008


This is not a political post.

So Monday night as I was putting FBS to bed I told him I was going to take him to vote with me on election day. His response was highly amusing. Our conversation went something like thus:

Me: I'm going to take you to vote with me tomorrow morning.
FBS: Ohh, my like to vote! (FBS has not figured out the personal pronoun "I" yet)
Me: You do?
FBS: Yes, we go on water!
Me: ????
FBS: Mommy come on water too?
Me: Water?
FBS: Yes, we go vote on water.
Me: Oh, no, we're going to VOTE, not on a BOAT.
FBS: We not go on water?
Me: No.

Somehow, he did not seem dissappointed. It was very cute. Later, Mrs. Packman had a similarly amusing conversation:

Mrs Packman: FBS, are you going to vote for Obama?
FBS: No!
Mrs P: Are you going to vote for McCain?
FBS: No!
Mrs P: Well, who are you going to vote for?
FBS: My gonna vote for Daddy!

I love that kid! He also told his teacher that he voted for daddy. I guess in about 16 years I'll have to run for something so that he can vote for me for real.