Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Where is Packman?

Been a while since I've posted here. but now that the weather has taken a turn for the warmer, it's time for the adventures to begin again, so say tuned.

It's hard to sit down in front of the computer and bang out blog posts, however, when this awaits you outside:

Mrs. Packman and I have started a new - and very relaxing - tradition of taking the boys for a walk along the boardwalk in the evening after dinner and before they go to bed. FBS loves to see the sun setting:

He considers himself to be very lucky when he sees airplanes overhead (which, since we live right on the Kennedy Airport flightpath is really most of the time). And he is always keeping a lookout for pirate ships on the horizon.

Life, in general, is very good.


  1. Wow, that's a great thing to do, he'll remember that forever! I take my girls for a walk around the block every evening. It's not nearly as pretty. :-(

  2. I came across your blog from Merrwether's. I notice that you live on Long Island, as does my brother and that you are in Finance, as is my brother.

    I've been there once, for his wedding, but lovelyh place. Can't wait to come back.

  3. Brad,

    Thanks for visiting the Blog. It's been somewhat neglected as of late, but I've got a number of new posts ready to go, so please come back to visit.

    Long Island is indeed a very pretty place, with lots of fun things to do. It has a bit of a bad rep as the original suburb, but I'm having a great time since moving in November.
